Friday, February 17, 2012


   It is extremely hard to get motivated into exercising regularly. Trust me I know. This is part of the reason I ballooned so bad. I went from having a very active job where I either stood or briskly walked for 7-8 hours a day. To sitting for 7-8 hours a day. Don't get me wrong I love my job however I wasn't burning any calories. I didn't change my diet or anything else. So I gained and gained and kept gaining. I only started exercising in January and it's honestly been pretty hard to stick to it. There are more days that I don't than I do. I am working on it though. 
   The one thing that is helping me the most is not letting myself relax after work (thank you for the tip Casey). Today for example.. I got off work, grabbed a Vitamin Water Zero, the dog walking coupler that I needed (not much fun to be dragged by 2 big dogs on separate leashes), came home, swapped laundry, changed (bundled up), got the dogs and walked out the door.  I walked 1.45 miles in forty five minutes! That may not seem like too much but it feels like it is. I have been sitting for about 25 minutes and my legs are already getting sore. (lol not much of a motivator.)
    Any extra movement is better than sitting there. Even if it's vacuuming the living room an extra day or sweeping and mopping the kitchen. It's movement it burns calories. Start small and work yourself up. When I don't have time to exercise I try my hardest to get on the Kinect on our Xbox 360. Even if you are only doing the Adventures for 15-20 minutes it's more than you would have done before. Try getting a game that you enjoy. I love to dance so I have dance central. I also like it because if I don't want to do a song that I have to jump and kick in the air I don't have to I can just move. 
   I hope this is helpful.. It's just anything I can think of to make it easier!

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